Types of investment plans

Investing is a strategic approach where you allocate your funds across various asset classes like mutual funds, gold, or pension schemes, aiming for growth or income. The benefits are manifold. Investments can diversify your portfolio, mitigate risks, and potentially lead to higher returns compared to traditional savings. Functions of investment platforms include user-friendly interfaces, real-time tracking, and expert guidance. With options like mutual funds, you can start small and grow your investment over time. Pension schemes like the Atal Pension Yojana and National Pension Scheme offer a steady income in your later years. Sovereign Gold Bonds provide a safe and tax-efficient way to invest in gold. Read more

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Why our investment products stand out

Go beyond banking and generate your own wealth

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Choose from options that suit every investor

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Got questions? We’ve got answers.

What is a mutual fund?

Mutual funds pool money from several investors to invest in various assets like stocks or bonds. They offer diversification, professional management, and liquidity, making them accessible for those new to investing.

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows you to invest regularly in mutual funds. It's a disciplined approach to investment, offering benefits like compounding and rupee cost averaging​.

APY offers a guaranteed pension for low-income earners, with government backing. It's accessible to all bank account holders between 18 and 40 years old, offering tax benefits and a fixed pension after retirement​​.

Yes, Karnataka Bank offers Sovereign Gold Bonds, which are a safe alternative to physical gold. Investors can buy gold in multiples of one gram, up to certain limits per fiscal year​​.

The cost structure includes upfront brokerage/commission and trail fees, varying by fund type. These costs are standard in the industry and are disclosed upfront​​.

Karnataka Bank offers a variety of investment options including mutual funds, Atal Pension Yojana (APY), National Pension System (NPS), and Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs).

You can start by applying online through Karnataka Bank’s website or by visiting a branch. We provide options suitable for different investment goals and risk appetites.

The Atal Pension Yojana through Karnataka Bank provides a steady pension in retirement, offering social security with a guaranteed income.

Yes, Karnataka Bank offers an online trading platform that you can access by opening a demat account.

Sovereign Gold Bonds are securities denominated in grams of gold, offering an alternative to owning physical gold. You can invest in them through Karnataka Bank for a safe and secure investment option.

Advantages of investing

Investing is a powerful tool for wealth creation and financial security. It allows your money to grow over time, potentially outpacing inflation and increasing your purchasing power. Diverse investments, like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate, can provide different levels of risk and return to suit various investment goals. Investments in retirement plans ensure a comfortable and financially secure retirement. Moreover, investing can offer additional income streams, reduce taxable income, and provide financial autonomy and security for future needs, such as education or home purchase.

In the investment realm, the concept of interest rates is more applicable to fixed-income investments like bonds or fixed deposits. The interest rate for these investments indicates the annual return you can expect on your capital. It's essential to understand the type of interest rate (fixed or variable) and how it's compounded (monthly, quarterly, annually) as this affects the total return. For market-linked investments like stocks or mutual funds, returns are based on market performance and not predefined interest rates.

Do diversify your investment portfolio to spread risk across different asset classes. Stay informed about market trends and economic factors that can affect your investments. Set clear financial goals and choose investments that align with your risk tolerance and investment horizon. Don't make impulsive investment decisions based on short-term market fluctuations. Avoid putting all your funds into a single investment type. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to maintain alignment with your financial goals. Remember, investing is a long-term strategy; patience and consistency are key.