Types of accounts

At Karnataka Bank, we cater to NRIs by blending global banking with a touch of Indian heritage. Our tailored international accounts let you manage finances with ease, no matter where you are in the world.

Banking that rewards you 

Discover our special and exclusive offers made for you 


20% तत्काल छूट प्राप्त करें


20% तत्काल छूट प्राप्त करें


निःशुल्क मैकआलू टिक्की बर्गर

निश्चित नहीं कि कौन सा उत्पाद आपके लिए है?

अपने लिए सही उत्पाद ढूंढने में विशेषज्ञ केबीएल की सहायता प्राप्त करें

  • कोई स्पैम कॉल नहीं
  • केवल केबीएल विशेषज्ञ
  • अनुकूलित शेड्यूलिंग

Why choose our NRI accounts

Discover the NRI advantage

State-of-the-art digital banking platforms, offering convenience and security at your fingertips

Banking in multiple currencies, catering to your international lifestyle needs

Deep understanding of both Indian and global banking norms for compliant and efficient banking

हम हमेशा आपके लिए उपलब्ध हैं

डेडिकेटेड केबीएल एक्सपर्ट्स के साथ 24x7 पर्सनल एसिस्टेंस डिजिटल बैंकिंग

  • इंटरनेट बैंकिंग

    केबीएल मनीक्लिक

  • डिजिटल बैंकिंग

    व्हाट्सएप बैंकिंग

  • सेवा शाखाएं

    हमें ढूँढें

Premium banking services with NRI banking

NRI Banking is more than just financial services for non-resident Indians; it's about ensuring a seamless financial transition across borders. NRI banking services include a range of offerings, including the NRI Account, designed to cater to the unique requirements of NRIs. Whether you're looking to open an NRI bank account in India or access priority banking services, NRI banking provides the perfect platform for managing your finances from abroad.

Opening an NRI account in India is a straightforward process that grants NRIs access to a wide range of financial services. From simplified NRI account opening procedures to managing your finances through a trusted NRI bank account, these services offer a host of benefits. NRIs can enjoy the convenience of seamless fund transfers, tax-efficient investments, and access to a dedicated relationship manager through priority banking services. With an NRI account in India, you can harness these benefits to secure your financial future and stay connected to your roots while living abroad.