Celebrating Excellence
Explore our awards and achievements

Best Private sector Bank for creating awareness among MSME (Winner)
Received an award at the MSME BANKING & MSEFC Excellence awards 2023,held at Delhi on 29.02.2024.

Best Private sector Bank for supporting startup’s (Runner Up)
Received an award at the MSME BANKING & MSEFC Excellence awards 2023,held at Delhi on 29.02.2024.

8th Rank under Dream Companies to work for category
Instituted by World HRD Congress, received on 16-02-2021

Dream Companies to work for
Dream Companies to work for category instituted by World HRD Congress, received on 16-02-2021

Karnataka Best Employer Brand Awards 2020
Award under Dream Companies to work for category instituted by World HRD Congress, received on 16-02-2021.

Bank’s Staff Training College
Bank’s Staff Training College has been reaccredited with the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 Certification by TVE Certification Services Pvt Ltd., Trichy.

Power To Persist (Sept 2020)
In recognition of achievement of persistency target & Contribution towards Atal Pension Yojana from PFRDA.

Karnataka Best Employer Brand Awards 2020
World HRD Congress and endorsed by CHRO Asia, for having used marketing communications effectively in attracting, retaining and developing talent and in retention policy

Top Organizations with Innovative HR Practices
Award at the 19th edition of Asia Pacific HRM Congress held on 26th October, 2021

Award of Excellence- ‘APY- Mega Login Stars’
From PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority)

Bank has won two DigiDhan awards
Instituted by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology for achieving the target with highest percentage in BHIM – UPI transactions under the Private Sector Bank Category for FY 2019-20 & FY 2020-21

Award of Excellence
APY- Mega Login Stars’ from PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority).

Digital Transformation DX 2021 Award
Best Practice in Digital Transformation 2021 in recognition of the “Innovative” Best Practice – “KBL VIKAAS” instituted by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Digital Lending: Runner- Up
From ASSOCHAM, New Delhi under Private Sector Bank Category, for excelling in the areas of digitalization

Digital Services: Winner
From ASSOCHAM, New Delhi under Private Sector Bank Category, for excelling in the areas of digitalization

Top Organizations with Innovative HR Practices
Conferred with ‘Top Organizations with Innovative HR Practices’ award at the 19th edition of Asia Pacific HRM Congress held on 26th October, 2021

Customer Journey Reimagination - Runner Up
Category among the ‘Mid-Size Bank segment’ by INFOSYS Innovation Global Awards 2021'

Two DigiDhan awards instituted
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology for achieving the target with highest percentage in BHIM – UPI transactions under the Private Sector Bank Category for FY 2019-20 & FY 2020-21

Award of Excellence- ‘APY- Mega Login Stars’
From PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority).

Digital Transformation DX 2021 Award for Best Practice in Digital Transformation
In recognition of the “Innovative” Best Practice – “KBL VIKAAS” instituted by Confederation of Indian Industry

Best Fintech Adoption - Runner Up
IBA-Banking Technology Awards 2022

Best Use of AI/ML & Data Analytics - Runner- Up
Under the category - CSR Initiatives & Business Responsibility Award Runner Up-(Emerging Category), instituted by Chamber of Indian Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

Best Technology Bank of the Year -Runner- Up
IBA-Banking Technology Awards 2022’ under the Small Bank Category

Best Private Bank of Implementing Covid Related Government Schemes- Winner

Best Private Bank for Promoting Social Scheme- Runner-Up

Best Private Bank for Promoting Social Scheme- Runner-Up

Best Branding Private Bank- Runner-Up

Best MSME Friendly Private Bank- Winner

Best MSME Private Bank- Winner

Prestigious ‘GOLD’
Award for outstanding achievement in Safety & Security in Banking Sector conferred by sustainable Development Foundation at the 11th Exceed Occupational Health Safety & Security Award & Conference 2021.

National Best Employer Brand
Award at the 16th Edition of Employer Branding Awards of World HRD Congress, Mumbai

Best MSME Bank of the year – Winner
Award among Private Sector Banks at the 8th MSME’s Excellence Awards Ceremony and Summit instituted by ASSOCHAM

STP Award 2017: In recognition of Bank’s outstanding payment formatting and straight through rate
instituted by Bank of New York, Mellon, received on 19-05-2018.

“Best Performing Bank – Private Bank
Category for the Atal Pension Yojana [APY] performance during 2017-18

‘Best MSME Bank Award – Runner Up’
Chamber of Indian Micro Small & Medium Enterprises [CIMSME]

Best Performing Bank award in the Atal Pension Yojana ‘Icons of Inspiration’
Campaign held from 14-03-2018 to 31-03-2018, conducted by PFRDA

Best Performing Bank award in the Atal Pension Yojana ‘People First’
Campaign at Tamilnadu for 100% Branch Activation of APY scheme, conducted by PFRDA

Award in Atal Pension Yojana “Winners of Winning Wednesday”
Campaign under RO Category, conducted by PFRDA

Award in Atal Pension Yojana “Winners of Winning Wednesday”
Campaign under Branch Category, conducted by PFRDA

Award in Atal Pension Yojana “Winners Arts of Possible”
Campaign 2018-19, conducted by PFRDA

ASSOCHAM SMEs Excellence Award – 2018
Excellent Service (Private Sector)” category, instituted by ASSOCHAM

Award in Atal Pension Yojana “Lead to Leap Award”
conducted by PFRDA

Award in Atal Pension Yojana “Perform for Pride
Campaign under Branch Category, conducted by PFRDA

MSME Banking Excellence Awards 2016
In recognition of Bank’s outstanding payment formatting and straight through rate, instituted by Bank of New York, Mellon

STP Award 2016: 2nd Prize
In recognition of Bank’s outstanding payment formatting and straight through rate, instituted by Bank of New York, Mellon

Atal Pension Yojana Award: Winner
Other private sector banks category, in the Atal Pension Yojana campaign conducted by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), and bagged Indian Pension League [IPL]-Become the Best of the Best trophy

ISO 9001: 2015 Certification: bagged by Staff Training College, Mangaluru
Compliance to quality management standards, instituted by TVE Certification Services Pvt. Ltd.,

Winner in Atal Pension Yojana Brand Ambassador Trophy
for the Atal Pension Yojana Social Security Scheme, conducted by PFRDA

Best Bank Award among Small Banks for use of Technology
for Financial Inclusion, instituted by IDRBT

Atal Pension Yojana Golden Trophy
Under Private Bank Category in the Challengers Gold campaign for the Atal Pension Yojana Social Security Scheme, conducted by PFRDA

Impactful Financial Inclusion through Innovations & Process
for the bank’s contribution in the Financial Inclusion space, instituted jointly by Union Bank of India and CNBC TV18

SMEs Excellence Award 2017
for rendering Excellent Service in SME Sector under Private Sector category, instituted by ASSOCHAM, India

Award of Excellence for Outstanding Performance in MSME Funding
Federation of Industry Trade & Services

Award of Excellence for Outstanding Performance in MSME Funding
Federation of Industry Trade & Services

CFBP Jamnalal Bajaj Awards 2015 for Fair Business Practices
Certificate of Merit under the category "Service Enterprises - Large"

Certificate of Special Mention
Use of Technology for Financial Inclusion among small banks" instituted by IDRBT

Greentech Safety Award 2016 - GOLD AWARD
Significant achievements made in the field of safety and security, instituted by Greentech Foundation

FIEO - Southern Region Export Excellence Award :Best Financial Institution
for the support extended to Export Business, for the year 2013-14 under Gold Category, instituted by Federation of Indian Export Organisations, received on 08-10-2016.

ET Business Excellence Award 2019
“Excellence in Banking Service” received on 19-09-2019.

BFSI Awards [For Excellence in Banking Financial Services & Insurance]
Under 2 category, instituted by ABP News, received on 22-11-2019
1. Best Bank under Private Sector
2. Innovation and emerging technologies in banking sector.

Third Best Performed Bank award
National Level under Old Private Sector Bank Category for the year 2018-2019, instituted by State Forum of Bankers’ Clubs, Kerala, received on 15-12-2019

Best MSME offering under Private Sector category in ASSOCHAM 7th National MSMEs Excellence Awards
Instituted by ASSOCHAM, received on 30-01-2020.

IBA – Banking Technology Awards 2020
Under the Small Bank Category in 3 variants, received on 06-02-2020.
1. Winner in the category of ‘Best Digital Financial Inclusion’.
2. Joint Winner in the category of ‘Best IT Risk Mgt & Cyber Security Initiatives’.
3. Runner Up in the category of ‘Technology Bank of the Year’.

Awards instituted by ET NOW – World BFSI Congress
World BFSI Congress, received on 14-02-2019.
1. Bank with Best Technology Orientation.
2. Best Corporate Social Responsibility Practices.

"ET NOW - Employee Engagement Leadership Awards" instituted by ET NOW
World HRD Congress, in the following categories, received on 16-02-2019.
1. Best Employee Engagement in Banking Sector.
2. Best Change Management Program.
3. Best Learning & Development Strategy.
4. Best use of Training in Employee Engagement’Best E-Learning module online award’.

IBA banking technology Awards
Under small bank category 1.Runner up in ‘Most Customer-Centric Bank’

ASSOCHAM Social Banking Excellence Awards – 2018
Under small bank category, received on 26-02-2019
1. Winner in Technology.
2. Runner up in priority sector lending other than Agriculture.
3. Runner up in Overall best social banking award.

Best Financial Services & Foreign Exchange Earner in Southern Region’ award
Un der GOLD Category, instituted by FIEO, for the year 2016-17

100% Branch activation of the social security scheme Atal Pension Yojana
‘Atal Pension Yojana, People First Campaign – Uttar Pradesh’, organized by PFRDA, received on 06-02-2018.

ET NOW BFSI (Banking Financial Services & Insurance) Awards, 2018
under the categories ‘Bank with more Rural Branch expansion’ and ‘Bank with leading Financial Inclusion initiatives’, received on 14-02-2018.

ASSOCHAM Social Banking Excellence Award 2017
Under the category “Overall Best Social Bank for Small Bank Class”, received on 17-02-2018.

IBA – Banking Technology Awards 2018
Under the Small Bank Category, received on 23-02-2018.
1. Runner up – Technology Bank of the Year.
2. Runner up – Best use of Digital and Channels Technology.
3. Runner up – Best Payment Initiatives.

FIEO - Southern Region Export Excellence Award
Best Financial Institution [Southern Region] for the support extended to Export Business, for the year 2013-14 under Gold Category, instituted by Federation of Indian Export Organisations, received on 08-10-2016.

Best MSME Bank Award 2016
under Private Sector, instituted by the Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), New Delhi, received on 06-12-2016.

IBA – Banking Technology Awards 2017, under the following categories, received on 21-02-2017.
1.Winner – Best Financial Inclusion Initiatives [Small Bank] category.
2.Runner up – Best use of Digital and Channels Technology [Small Bank] category.

ASSOCHAM Social Banking Excellence Awards 2016, under Small Banks category, received on 03-03-2017.
1.Winner – Government Schemes.
2.Winner – Priority Sector Lending.
3.Runner up – Agricultural Banking.
4.Runner up – Overall Best Social Bank.

ISO 27001:2013 Certificate from UKAS, Management Systems
a UK based accreditation certifying body, recieved on 08-06-2015.

Export Excellence Award for MSME
by the Federation of Indian Export Organisations [FIEO] - Western Region, received on 22-07-2015.

Banking Technology Excellence Award
"Best Bank for Evangelizing Technology Adoption" among Small Banks for the year 2014-15, instituted by IDRBT, on 23-10-2015.

ASSOCHAM Social Banking Excellence Awards 2015
1.Winner - Urban Banking [Small Bank] Category
2.Winner - Agricultural Banking [Small Bank] Category
3.Runner Up - Participation in government schemes [Small Bank] Category
4.Runner Up -Overall Best Social Bank [Small Bank] Category

IBA Banking Technology Awards - 2016
"Best Risk and Fraud Management Initiative - Runner Up" [Small Bank Category] for the Year 2014-15, received on 16-02-2016.

'Sanman Patra' by the Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerate
Mangaluru for compliance to service tax provisions, received on 24-02-2016.

"STP Award"from the Bank of New York
Mellon in recognition to the Bank’s improved payment formatting and Straight - Through Processing success rate, received on 18-03-2016.

Certificate of Excellence for Social Banking
under private sector banks category, instituted by ASSOCHAM, recieved on 30-09-2014

MSME Banking Excellence Awards 2015 - Runner Up
Eco- Technology "Emerging Banks", instituted by CIMSME [Chamber of Indian Micro Small & Medium Enterprises].

Best Branding Private Bank- Runner-Up.
Five Awards from CIMSME (Chamber of Indian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises), New Delhi

Best MSME Bank of the year – Winner
Award among Private Sector Banks at the 8th MSME’s Excellence Awards Ceremony and Summit instituted by ASSOCHAM, New Delhi

National Best Employer Brand
Award at the 16th Edition of Employer Branding Awards of World HRD Congress, Mumbai

Best MSME Bank of the year – Winner
Award among Private Sector Banks at the 8th MSME’s Excellence Awards Ceremony and Summit instituted by ASSOCHAM, New Delhi.

National Best Employer Brand
Award at the 16th Edition of Employer Branding Awards of World HRD Congress, Mumbai

Third Best Branch in Kerala State
Kanhangad Branch has been adjudged as ‘Third Best Branch in Kerala State’ under Private Sector Bank Category for the year 2020-21 by State Forum of Bankers’ Club (Kerala) in SFBCK Banking Excellence Awards 2021

Runner up in Lending category
ASSOCHAM Excellence Award

KBL Customer NxT - Customer Experience
DX 2022 Awards’ conferred by CII under “Innovative Excellence”

KBL Operations NxT - 'Operational Excellence’
DX 2022 Awards’ conferred by CII under “Innovative Excellence”

HR NxT - Employee Engagement
DX 2022 Awards’ conferred by CII under “Innovative Excellence”

Best Technology Talent – Runner Up
Conferred by Indian Banks’ Association (IBA)

Prathista Puraskar – Digidhan Award
From MeitY for highest percentage in BHIM-UPI transactions

MSME Friendly Bank –RUNNER UP
Chamber of Indian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME)

Chamber of Indian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME)

CSR Initiatives & Business Responsibility Bank- WINNER
Chamber of Indian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME)

Awards conferred by Elets-Banking and Finance
'Exemplary Digital Transformation Strategy’ and ‘Outstanding Data Analytics Initiative’

Business Icon Award –2023
Sponsored by ‘The Zee Kannada News channel’

Bank conferred with ET Edge Award

Channel Innovation
Infosys Finacle Innovation Awards 2023

Process Innovation
Infosys Finacle Innovation Awards 2023

Transformation Excellence
Infosys Finacle Innovation Awards 2023