₹73,002 cr
₹98,058 cr
₹1,306 cr
₹4,618 cr
13 million+
Total customers
FY 2023-24 Q4
Business in detail
Terms and conditions of appointment of independent directors
Composition of various committees of Board of Directors
Code of conduct of Board of Directors and senior management personnel
Whistleblower policy FY2023-24
Criteria of making payments to Non-Executive Directors
Details of familiarization programs imparted to independent directors (including number of programs attended, number of hours spent, and other relevant details)
Grievance redressal contact information
Notice of board meeting
Quarterly financial results
Shareholding pattern
Earnings call transcript and recording
Newspaper advertisements
Credit ratings
Disclosure of the policy for determination of materiality of events or information required under clause (ii), sub-regulation (4) of regulation 30
Disclosure of contact details of key managerial personnel
Dividend distribution policy
Policy on dealing with related party transactions
Annual report
Secretarial compliance report as per sub-regulation (2) of regulation 24A
Disclosures under sub-regulation (8) of regulation 30 of regulation 30 of these regulations
Annual return as provided under section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013*
Composition of Committees of the Board
Details of familiarization programs imparted to independent directors (including number of programs attended, number of hours spent, and other relevant details)
Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association of the Bank
Debenture Trustee
Nikhil Lohana
IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Universal Insurance Building, Ground Floor, Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400001.
0224 080 7006 itsl@idbitrustee.co.in
4C & D, Siddhivinayak Chambers, Gandhi Nagar, Opp MIG Cricket Club, Bandra East (E), Mumbai 400051.
Registrar & Share Transfer Agent
Integrated Registry Management Services Pvt. Ltd. No.30, Ramana Residency Sampige Road, Malleshwaram Bengaluru 560 003 Karnataka
Investor Contact
Sham K. Company Secretary
Karnataka Bank Head Office Mahaveer Circle, Kankanady Mangaluru 575 002 Karnataka