Mr. Kalmanje Gururaj Acharya

Independent Director

Kalmanje Gururaj Acharya is a practicing Chartered Accountant from Bengaluru having around 30 years of experience. He secured top Ranks in, CMA & CA Examination. He is presently the senior partner of M/s. K.G. Acharya & Co, Chartered Accountants, Bengaluru, specializing in Corporate finance, Corporate taxes & Company law. He is a Member of the Bangaloreā€“Financial Reporting Review Group, formulated under Financial Reporting Review Board of ICAI, New Delhi.

Earlier, he was a Director on the Board of erstwhile State Bank of Mysore and was also Chairman of the Audit Committee of the said Bank. He was also a member in other Board level committees notably, Risk Management Committee, Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee and High Value Frauds Committee.

He was also a Member of the Expert Advisory Committee of ICAI, New Delhi.

He is on our Board of Directors since 26 April 2022.

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