Supporting access to healthcare in Udupi

  • blog-imgs
  • 21 March,2025
Supporting healthcare infrastructure in Udupi

Shri Mahabaleshwara M.S, MD & CEO, is seen handing over the key of the ambulance to Shri Govind Rao, Secretary, Hiriyangadi – Kuntalpady Hindu Rudra Bhoomi Abhivruddhi Trust ®, Udupi Dist. at the Bank’s Head Office premises on 26-11-2021. Also seen on the occasion were Shri Balachandra Y.V, Chief Operating Officer, Shri Gokuldas Pai, Chief Business Officer, Shri Nagaraja Rao B, Shri Raja B.S, General Managers, Shri Srinivas Deshpande, Assistant General Manager and others.

