Understanding health insurance

In today's fast-paced world, health insurance is not just a choice, but a necessity. It acts as a shield, safeguarding us against unforeseen medical emergencies and the skyrocketing costs of healthcare. Health insurance ensures that when medical needs arise, financial constraints don't hinder access to the best possible care. It's particularly vital in the context of increasing lifestyle diseases and high-tech medical interventions, which, while lifesaving, can be expensive. Health insurance offers peace of mind, knowing that you and your family have access to quality healthcare when needed. It's a crucial part of financial planning, ensuring that medical emergencies don't disrupt your financial stability or drain your savings.

Why choose health insurance

A safety net for your material assets

Unified health insurance plan for the whole family, under a single sum insured

Automatic 100% restoration of base sum insured, ensuring uninterrupted coverage post-claim at no extra cost

Age-inclusive policy with no co-pay, ensuring affordable coverage for all

Sum insured

Enjoy ₹1,00,000 to ₹50,00,000 of your medical expenses insured.

Wide hospital care

Full coverage for in-patient hospitalization, pre-hospitalization (60 days), and post-hospitalization (90 days) expenses, along with a daily cash cover to support incidental costs during recovery.

Comprehensive family coverage

Policies cover spouse, dependent children, and dependent parents/parents-in-law under a single sum insured, with maternity expenses and newborn care included.

Restoration and day care benefits

Restoration of 100% of sum insured for subsequent claims within the policy year and coverage for all day care procedures and organ donor expenses. 

Extended services

AYUSH treatment inclusion for those seeking alternative medicine, and a health check-up benefit of 1% of the sum insured up to ₹2,000, promoting a holistic health approach.

Outpatient and wellness focus

OPD expenses covered up to ₹5,000 and a comprehensive set of wellness benefits to encourage regular health monitoring and preventive care.


This policy is exclusively available for active account holders of Karnataka Bank, so you get better health insurance.

Long life span

5 to 65 years for account holder and 3 months to 30 years for dependent children, the policy caters to you at every stage of life.

A lifetime guarantee

This policy offers the convenience of lifetime renewal, where you can get health cover without age-related barriers or needing new policies as you grow older.

48 months waiting period

The policy has a 48-month waiting period for pre-existing diseases, excluding immediate coverage for any accidental injuries.

30 day clause

There is a standard 30-day exclusion period from the start of coverage, which excludes any treatment unless related to accidental injuries.

Diagnostic and evaluation limitations

Expenses related to hospital admissions for diagnostic and evaluation purposes without any subsequent treatment are not covered under the policy.

Specific treatments

Costs incurred for obesity surgical treatment and any Out Patient Department (OPD) treatments are not included in the coverage.

Geographical limitations

Any medical treatment received outside the geographical limits of India will not be covered under the policy.

Lifestyle related conditions

This policy does not cover alcohol, drug or substance abuse related treatments or any addictive condition and its consequences.

Insurance commission disclosure

Information to customers on life insurance

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Got questions? We’ve got answers.

What does ‘sum insured’ mean?

The 'sum insured' is the maximum amount the insurer will pay in case of a claim during the policy term. In this policy, you can choose a sum insured ranging from ₹1 lakh to ₹50 lakh, based on your healthcare needs and budget.

Co-payment is a cost-sharing requirement under a health policy, where the policyholder bears a specified percentage of the claim amount. However, this policy has a significant advantage as it does not require co-payment, regardless of the insured's age.

Life insurance policies allow flexibility in naming beneficiaries. There’s no limit to the number of beneficiaries you can appoint, enabling you to designate multiple primary and secondary beneficiaries and specify how to allocate the death benefit among them.

Yes, the policy is designed for Karnataka Bank account holders aged 18 to 65 years and their dependent children between 3 months to 30 years. It provides the flexibility of lifelong renewability.

Yes, the policy includes wellness benefits, and health check-ups cost up to 1% of the sum insured or a maximum of ₹2,000.

Advantages of having health insurance

Health insurance is a critical component of financial planning, safeguarding you against high medical costs. It covers expenses for hospitalization, surgeries, and sometimes even outpatient treatment, reducing the financial burden during health crises. Many plans offer additional benefits like cashless treatment, pre and post-hospitalization cover, and coverage for critical illnesses. Health insurance can also provide tax benefits under certain sections of the Income Tax Act. With rising healthcare costs, having health insurance ensures that medical emergencies do not derail your financial stability. Invest in your wellbeing with our comprehensive health insurance plans. From medical insurance that covers unexpected healthcare costs to specific health insurance policies designed for individual and family needs, we ensure you're well-covered. Our medical insurance plans are tailored to provide extensive coverage and care.

For health insurance, the concept of interest rates per se doesn't apply. Instead, it's about the premium amount, which is determined based on factors like age, medical history, coverage amount, and the type of policy chosen. It's essential to understand the premium payment terms, coverage details, and the renewal policy to ensure uninterrupted protection.

Do assess your health insurance needs considering factors like family health history and lifestyle. Choose a coverage amount that is adequate for your needs. Be truthful about your medical history to avoid issues during claim settlement. Don't ignore the policy exclusions and waiting periods for specific ailments. Regularly review and update your coverage to keep pace with changing health needs and medical inflation.